(3) 88 active installs

Use CSS and Javascript to customize your Jira environment safely and easy.


With Global CSS and JS for Jira you can...

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Global CSS and JS for Jira serves as a replacement for the announcement banner customization offering you a safer and easier way to customize your Jira environment to you hearts content. Use custom Javascript and CSS to truly personalize Jira.

Learn how to setup Global CSS & JS for Jira or read how to get started.


  • Custom CSS & Javascript: Add custom CSS and Javascript to your Jira environment with dedicated Javascript and CSS fields.
  • JS sytnax check: Quickly check your Javascript syntax for common mistakes.

Features in action

Click on the images below to expand them.

Add custom CSS and JS

Clean up you announcement banner and use dedicated editors to safely add custom Javascript and CSS to Jira.
Clean up you announcement banner and use dedicated editors to safely add custom Javascript and CSS to Jira.

Javascript Syntax Check

Check your Javascript for syntax errors to find bad code before it's to your Jira installation.
Check your Javascript for syntax errors to find bad code before it's to your Jira installation.

Customize Jira

Safely customize Jira to your liking using your own custom code.
Safely customize Jira to your liking using your own custom code.

Other users' reviews

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Version history

The version history of Global CSS and JS for Jira:

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